Brave words that start with r
Brave words that start with r

brave words that start with r brave words that start with r

  • Meaning: To be able to handle things, even if they’re bad.
  • Example: Let’s all cooperateto get the work done quickly.
  • Example: Would you like to contributeto our collection?.
  • Meaning: To take part in making, creating, or furthering.
  • Example: Students need the ability to constructa logical argument.
  • Example: Permit me to congratulateyou on your graduation!.
  • Meaning: To tell someone they did a good job or deserve recognition.
  • Example: I must complimentyou on your handling of a very difficult situation.
  • Example: It suffices to comforther with only a few words.
  • Meaning: To make someone feel better about something.
  • Example: It is always important to chooseenjoyable, nutritious foods.
  • Example: She could charmthe birds from the trees!.
  • Meaning: To make someone become delighted or feel flattered.
  • Example: He didn’t even begin to caressher bare leg.
  • Example: My weakness is that I caretoo much.
  • Meaning: To feel interest, concern, or to be otherwise invested.
  • Example: The next is to calibratethe gain, using a pair of Helmholtz coils.
  • Meaning: To mark or measure, typically in attempt to balance or make work correctly.
  • Verbs are action words and let us know what’s happening.
  • Example: The room glowed cozyand warm in the firelight.
  • Often warm and surrounded by soft things.
  • Example: Your clear reasoning is quite correct.
  • Example: We maintain cordialrelations with our neighbors.
  • Meaning: Friendly, sometimes absently so.
  • Example: The grass was cooland pleasant underfoot.
  • Meaning: Common slang for neat or popular.
  • Example: I think he’s the most charming, most considerateman I’ve ever known.
  • Meaning: Thoughtful, especially of others.
  • Example: He is back in more congenialcompany.
  • Meaning: Friendly, appealing to your own taste.
  • Example: She was in a relaxed, confidentmood.
  • Meaning: Able to do things with knowledge of the ability to succeed.
  • Example: He looked highly comicalwearing that tiny hat.
  • Example: A nervous, comely– dressed little girl stepped out.
  • Example: That’s one classyvehicle you’ve got there.
  • Meaning: Being able to appear high class, poised, or polished.
  • Example: They were married in a civilceremony in May.
  • Meaning: Behaving well with someone, regardless of past hurts or arguments.
  • Example: Non-white people are effectively excluded from certainjobs.
  • Example: The city is calmagain after yesterday’s riots.
  • Meaning: Not experiencing upset, anger, anxiety, or other emotions that are perceived as negative.
  • They add additional detail to a sentence. List of Positive Words that Start with C AdjectivesĪdjectives describe a person, place, or thing.

    Brave words that start with r